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Why OpenAmend Exists

A founder's journey from contract confusion to clarity

The Challenge

When I was starting my entrepreneurial journey, I faced a significant hurdle that many new business owners encounter: reviewing lease and franchise agreements. The process was painfully slow, and despite my best efforts, important details would sometimes slip through the cracks.

Each contract review meant days or weeks of back-and-forth, and the constant worry that I might miss something crucial was always at the back of my mind. Legal fees were mounting, and the time delays were affecting my ability to move quickly on business opportunities.

The Solution

That's when I had an idea: what if I could develop an AI agent that could quickly review contracts and identify potential risks? Not to replace legal counsel, but to make the entire process more efficient before the final legal review.

I combined my technical expertise with my experience in contract negotiations to create what would eventually become OpenAmend. The goal was simple: help entrepreneurs understand their contracts quickly and thoroughly before going to their lawyer.

The Impact

The results were transformative. What used to take days now takes minutes. While I still rely on my lawyer for final review (and always recommend others do the same), everything before that point has become significantly faster and more efficient.

Now, I can quickly understand the key points of any contract, identify potential risks, and go into legal consultations better prepared. This not only saves time and money but also gives me more confidence in my business decisions.

"I still have to go to my lawyer for final review, but everything before that has gotten much faster now that I can understand the contract quickly."